Friday, May 28, 2004

My elective week ended with archery... Nothing much, just arrowing the target board. Archery is not practical in real life, since there are too many people out there who are naturally good at arrowing without professional training.

While on the bus, I had to listen to this crappy philosophy of someone who sat behind me. This guy spoke in a revolting accent. He claimed (to the girl beside him) that he is a humanist" who doesn't believe in god and believes only in his pathetic self. (Sorry to this girl, but this guy's just trying to prove he believes in himself). He argued that people merely put a "stamp" of Buddha over holy teachings, just to make people conform with the holy teachings. Similarly in the case of jihad, people "stamped the name Allah" to back the idea of an holy war. So this guy preached that humans shouldn't do what the holy scriptures teach just because of fear of the god(s). And he implied that humans shouldn't fear god and people who conform are stupid.

The most abhorrent part of his speech was that he dislikes churches because they are rich. Two tight slaps for this anti-Christ.

Ironically, this chap was from St Andrews Junior. He spoke with a tone of disgust when he recollected the time he had to pledge in front of the cross his services to the school and God during his prefect investiture. And he claimed that he had a "heart of peace" when he went to Chinese High which was very "secular". He sounded really happy upon that note. Then, he ended his speech and the conversation trailed on to Communism (as usual).

When it was time to alight from the bus, I turned around to look at this freak of nature. He looks kinda weird, anyway. May God help him.

Saw TIB489G on 963 in full SMRT livery today


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